31 December 2008


When not one but Two Friends emailed this New York Times article to me, I supposed I ought to just put it up here so that we can all discuss together what the heck it is about salted caramels that have people so smitten.

I've tasted several others, truth be told, and I have to say that because mine are always fresher than the kind carried by fancy food havens and not so fancy food havens alike, I think they stack up pretty well. Everytime I run out (like right about now) I'm always thinking, "Should I even bother making more? It's so much work and maybe the world will be very much the same without them," and then someone asks for a bag or two. And next, I get several gracious followup messages about people's happiness upon receiving some that I am inevitably convinced that my little candy venture must endure.

I'm not shocked that Barack Obama likes salted caramels because he has pretty reliable judgment. As things go, Fran's of Seattle is one of the top specimens, along with Little Flower Candy Co. of Los Angeles, but I'll say it: I bet he'd prefer mine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

long live the makery!