In a house with only two mouths to feed, there comes a time when you really have no foreseeable use for another cake pan. It is a dark day, indeed.
So when I came upon a bundle of old Bakerex and Ovenex pans a few months ago, I knew I couldn't really use them in my own kitchen but also lacked the willpower to leave them be. They have the most incredible pattern embossed in the metal, I think to aid in even baking and in removing finished cakes. I conidered selling them, but it turns out they're neither rare nor dime a dozen and not worth much in any case. Since I found mine for fifty cents apiece, I decided to keep them and figure something out.
Someone on etsy, I can't remember who, was selling a piece of bakerex and suggested framing something in it. Interesting, no? Cake pans doubling as frames? This daughter of framers had never thought of such a thing, but decided to give it a go.
I selected some better than average photos I recently got developed to float inside the four round pans. Using Elmer's Craft Bond Multipurpose Spray Adhesive (Acid Free) to attach the photos to the pans and contact cement to attach sawtooth hangers to the center backside of each, the project couldn't have been easier. By now of course you know, it worked like a charm.
In this bundle of bakerex & ovenex, I also got some bread pans, which are similarly embossed in the repeating crown pattern but also look like origami, becuase the metal is folded on itself to produce corners.
did you paint the wall that yellow-green color?!?!?! b/c i really love it.
Yes, it's bright yellow. "Theater Lights." No regrets, we like it a lot.
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